12 year prayer saint bridget

What is 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget?

The 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget is a prayer that is said to have been revealed by Saint Bridget of Sweden, a 14th century mystic and saint. This prayer is said to be a powerful way to honor and pray to Jesus Christ, and it is believed that those who say it with devotion will receive many blessings and graces.

The Prayer

The 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget consists of 15 prayers, which are said daily for a period of 12 years. The prayers are as follows:
1. Our Father 2. Hail Mary 3. Glory Be 4. Apostles' Creed 5. Eternal Father, I offer Thee the most precious blood of Thy divine Son, Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family. 6. O Jesus, I offer Thee my love, my work, my sufferings and my joys. Grant that I may spend my life for Thee and that I may die for Thee. 7. O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer Thee my prayers, works, joys and sufferings of this day for all the intentions of Thy Sacred Heart, in union with the holy sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world, in reparation for my sins, for the intentions of all my relatives and friends, and in particular for the intentions of the Holy Father. 8. Hail, holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy towards us. And after this, our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary. 9. O Jesus, I surrender myself to You, take care of everything! 10. O Jesus, Thou art the Son of God and the Son of Mary, I praise Thee, I bless Thee, I adore Thee, I love Thee with my whole heart. 11. O Jesus, I am all Thine, take care of my soul. 12. O Jesus, I am all Thine, take care of my loved ones. 13. O Jesus, I am all Thine, take care of everything. 14. O Jesus, I trust in Thee, I hope in Thee, I love Thee. 15. O Jesus, make my heart like unto Thine.


What are the benefits of saying the 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget?

Those who say the 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget with devotion are believed to receive many blessings and graces, including the forgiveness of sins, the conversion of sinners, and protection from harm and danger. It is also said to be a powerful way to honor and pray to Jesus Christ.

Do I have to say the prayer for 12 years straight?

It is recommended to say the prayer for 12 years straight, as this is believed to be the most effective way to receive the blessings and graces associated with the prayer. However, if you are unable to say the prayer every day for 12 years, you can still say it as often as you are able to.


The 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget is a powerful prayer that is said to have been revealed by Saint Bridget of Sweden. By saying this prayer with devotion for 12 years, one can receive many blessings and graces, and honor and pray to Jesus Christ. May this prayer bring peace, comfort, and blessings to all who say it with a pure heart.